Category Archives: Uncategorized

Our weekend in pictures

The kids at Egmont Key

Reid enjoying a classic car show

David and Reid with a fish caught off our dock

Me and David at the Commodore’s Ball


This morning I packed the boys into the car and then we waited for Dorothy’s carpool to pick her up. It was cool and as we waited, Dorothy noticed snails on the trunk of the palm tree and in the hedge surrounding the tree. We saw at least a dozen, and I’m sure there were more.



Only a child would notice something like that

and david wins

a few months ago david told me that there was a new regatta on the YC calendar. It was to be the Yacht Club Championship….to determine the best sailor at our Yacht Club. it was two days of sailing, this past weekend. On a boat that david never sails, with people he never sails with. he sailed with our friends Will and Laura, and a junior sailor whose name escapes me. Each boat had to have at least one woman and one junior sailor.

And david’s boat won!

Turkeys? Yes, turkeys

Today I spent the day volunteering in Dorothy’s classroom. I love the days when I’m able to do that. I’m supposed to be there every Friday, but last week Reid had a fever, so I couldn’t make it
I busied myself with tracing 18 turkeys for the children to decorate before thanksgiving.

I am not a good trace-er. I drew all over the templates, and got marker all over my hands. It might never come out. I also glued a story together. Total busywork. But I don’t mind. I’m helping to make mrs w’s load a little lighter, and I get to spend 2+ hours in the classroom getting to know these adorable kids. Next week I’ll stay for brunch with them

I’m training for the women’s half marathon again this year, and we are almost there. Last week we did 10 miles, and tomorrow we’ll go 8, so the ‘tapering’ has begun. Now to just not get sick or injured in the last two weeks.

Suggestions, please

Remember my post from the other day, the one where I came out about Adam and Reid still not pooping in the potty? Well, four days in, we’re no closer to a poop in the potty. We’ve had 3 dry nights, which is amazing. But we’re starting to get concerned because they will. not. poop.

The list of bribes that we’ve offered is at least as long as my arm. It ranges from candy to toys to a trip to dinosaur world. The boys know it, and can recite all the things they’ve been offered. Nothing has offered enough inspiration to lead to, um, action.

So, I’m putting the call out to the interwebs. Has anyone out there been in a situation like this? Did your neighbor’s friend’s cousin have kids like this? Tell me what worked for them. Please!



I know you’re dying to see pictures of the kids from Halloween:

We had a great time trick-or-treating on our little street. It was perfect. We live on a circle, so there’s very little traffic, and most of our neighbors had placed themselves in lawn chairs at the bottom of their driveway. We were able to socialize as we went. Next year, we’ll bring wine with us! The kids were feeling independent enough to ring the doorbells on their own, so we didn’t have to walk up and say ‘trick or treat’ for them–last year we had to do that for them.

Still no poop in the potty from the boys, but they have had two dry nights, which is confidence-inspiring

coming out of the closet

I’m going to come out with it….our dirty little secret….

Adam and Reid do not yet poop on the potty. They had finally gotten to a point of pooping in the evening, into a diaper, that we were happy to keep it that way. Until yesterday.

I got a phone call that Reid wasn’t feeling well at school, could I come get him. So I popped into my car and zipped over to school. He was napping, but I picked him up and took him back to my car.

I asked him what was wrong. and he told me that he had to poop in a diaper. So I took him home and let him do it.

But last night, “I threw down the gauntlet” and decided that we were no longer going to allow diapers at all. They will be four in two months, and are old enough to stay dry throughout the night and to poop into the potty or toilet.

Adam spent 45 minutes to 1 hour screaming about how scared he was, and Reid spent the time *ahem* in other ways. They went to bed late, but in underwear. David woke them up at 1 am, and they both peed. This morning we only had dry beds. So that was definitely a success.

Tonight after dinner we’ll try it again.

to NaBloPoMo or not to NaBloPoMo

that is the question. I’ve done it before, always thinking it would be a kick in the pants to get me blogging again. And I do…31 posts for each day of november. and then…I stop. for a long time.

but maybe I’ll try again this year. And perhaps challenge myself to a post a week after NaBloPoMo is over.

Welcome fall

for at least a few days

yesterday was glorious. I ran 8 miles. we opened the windows and spent the day outside. Last night we fired up the grill and roasted marshmallows with the kids. they enjoyed the roasting, but did not eat them. David slept in the tent with all the kids–an experiment, in case we decide to go camping in November.

today I am wearing….get ready for it….Jeans!

After the rain

This is what makes it worthwhile. Tonight was a doozy of a storm.
